Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Books!

Today I took a break from the classroom to do one of my favorite activities: Shopping! Besides picking up various supplies for our room, I also went to the local bookstore. You can see from the picture I had a lot of fun! I inherited a ton of books from other teachers, but I wanted these to give the collection some new life. Thank you to the PTO for the money they give to classrooms. It will help pay for this. I got some great ideas from some librarians, teachers, and parents at LibraryThing, and of course from the helpful people at the bookstore. Each day in class we will have SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) time. I would like students who come to the open house next week to pick out their SSR book then, so we don't have a big crowd at the bookcase on the first day of school. You can see some of our classroom library books at the bottom of this page. Many of these new ones are series, so students, let me know if they are good and I will get more!

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